Angolan President highlights importance of the Lobito Corridor to regional development

Angolan President highlights importance of the Lobito Corridor to regional development

The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, reiterated previously, in Dallas, Texas, the importance of the Lobito Corridor for the development of the southern region of the continent.

The Head of State was speaking at the high-level dialogue of the 16th US-Africa Business Summit, addressing the theme of Investment in strategic infrastructures, sustainable growth.

João Lourenço highlighted that this road infrastructure, which received American financing, will bring development not only to Angola, but also to neighboring countries, namely Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), which will be able to drain in less time and at the best price, the mineral resources from these two countries.

“Therefore, we are grateful for this, the seriousness, so to speak, of this partnership that we managed to establish with the United States of America”, he stressed.

João Lourenço made it known, on the other hand, that, within the framework of the partnership with the USA, the country signed, on Tuesday, three important agreements that have to do with energy infrastructures, which will increase production and distribution capacity of photo voltaic energy in Angola.

He said that this energy will power thousands of homes of Angolan citizens and will certainly also contribute to the development of the country’s industry.

The President explained that one of the agreements signed concerns roads, that is, the bridges component, as Angola is a vast country with many water courses (rivers) and, of course, with a considerable number of bridges, a large part of the which are in a condition that requires replacement.

“One of the agreements has to do with the contract with an American company that will rehabilitate, build and assemble hundreds of metal bridges in the various waterways throughout the country”, the Head of State said.

For four days, the Summit will discuss solutions to boost commercial cooperation between the United Staes of America and Africa.

The main objective of the meeting is to enable African leaders to directly contact decision-makers from Governments and the private sector, in order to promote sustainable business partnerships between the US and Africans. ELJ/VC/DOJ

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