Luanda Truckers Advocate for Government Assistance to Upgrade Aging Fleet

Luanda Truckers Advocate for Government Assistance to Upgrade Aging Fleet

Osvaldo Mateus, president of the Luanda Truck Drivers Association (ANCL), has urged the government to step in and provide institutional financing to help truckers acquire new fleets, replacing their aging vehicles that are often over 30 years old.

In an interview with Jornal de Angola, Mateus highlighted the pressing issue of a shortage of parts in both domestic and foreign markets, exacerbating the challenge of maintaining these older trucks.

He stressed the urgent need for renewal, emphasizing that while some members own between five to ten trucks, the majority of the fleet is outdated and in need of replacement.

Mateus also expressed concerns about the deteriorating state of the roads, which further strain the already aging vehicles.

He emphasized the importance of implementing a comprehensive strategy to revitalize the sector and ensure the safety and efficiency of transportation.

To address these challenges, Mateus called for simplified procedures in accessing financial support, suggesting closer collaboration between the Ministries of Finance and Transport.

He emphasized the importance of transparency and direct consultation with the association and its members in formulating effective policies.

Regarding financing through banks, Mateus highlighted the cumbersome and often ineffective nature of the current process, advocating for streamlining and efficiency to better serve the needs of truck drivers.

In addition to fleet renewal, the Luanda Truck Drivers’ Association proposes mandatory Goods Insurance to safeguard transported products against theft or accidents, aiming to enhance security and stability within the industry.