European Union Reaffirms Commitment to Lobito Corridor Development in Angola

European Union Reaffirms Commitment to Lobito Corridor Development in Angola

In a recent meeting held in Luanda, the European Union (EU) reiterated its dedication to financing ongoing feasibility studies and professional training initiatives aimed at enhancing productivity and profitability within the Lobito Corridor.

The assurance came during discussions between European Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen and Angolan Minister of Transport, Ricardo Viegas D’Abreu.

The primary focus of this meeting was to underscore the EU’s unwavering support for the development of the Lobito Corridor.

Through its Global Gateway Strategy initiative, the EU has already allocated three million euros for feasibility studies aimed at connecting the corridor to Zambia.

This commitment reflects the EU’s recognition of the corridor’s strategic importance for regional connectivity and economic growth.

Furthermore, the meeting emphasized the potential of the Lobito Corridor to attract investments in various sectors such as agribusiness, industry, and tourism, thereby fostering economic diversification.

Additionally, there was acknowledgment of the corridor’s role in promoting industrialization across the region by facilitating the extraction and transportation of mineral resources to global markets.

Minister Ricardo Viegas D’Abreu highlighted the significant impact of EU and US support in solidifying the Lobito Corridor as a vital international transport route.

He emphasized that besides bolstering the economies of Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Zambia, the corridor contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing transport time and air pollution associated with critical mineral transportation.

Moreover, Minister D’Abreu stressed the corridor’s potential to generate employment opportunities and enhance workforce skills, particularly at the Port of Lobito and Caminhos de Ferro de Benguela, which play crucial roles in corridor operations.

He urged for tangible outcomes from these efforts, emphasizing the importance of translating discussions into concrete results.

The meeting brought together key stakeholders, including Secretary of State for Economy Ivan Marques dos Santos, director of the Industrial Institute and Technological Innovation of Angola (IDIIA) Filomena Oliveira, and CEO of Lobito Atlantic Railway (LAR) Francisco Franca.

Additionally, ambassadors from EU member states accredited in Angola, including Rosário Bento Pais, Pieter-Jan Hamels, Alain Bouilloux-Lafont, and Francisco Alegre Duarte, were also in attendance.

Overall, the reaffirmation of the EU’s commitment marks a significant step towards advancing the development agenda of the Lobito Corridor, fostering economic growth, and promoting regional integration in Angola and beyond.