CFM Celebrates 129th Anniversary with Major Rail Upgrades and Station Expansion

CFM Celebrates 129th Anniversary with Major Rail Upgrades and Station Expansion

On 8 July 2024, the Ports and Railways of Mozambique (CFM) celebrated three significant milestones: their 129th anniversary, the completion of the first phase of a 42 km dual track upgrade on the Ressano Garcia Line, and the expansion of the Passenger Railway Terminal at Maputo Central Station.

The Ressano Garcia Line project, inaugurated by President Filipe Nyusi, was self-funded by CFM at a cost of USD 80 million in response to the increasing demand for rail and port services from neighboring countries.

This upgrade aims to boost tonnage capacity from 13 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) to 24 MTPA. Station loops have been extended to accommodate trains with 160 wagons, anticipating future increases in train length.

Phase 2 of the project, spanning 17-19 km from Secongene to Ressano Garcia, has attracted interest from the French Development Agency (AFD), which completed due diligence for an estimated USD 94 million loan.

The European Union is also involved, providing a grant for the signalling system, with due diligence completed and board review scheduled for January.

CFM has begun recruiting consultants for a detailed design study, aiming to issue a works tender in January. The entire project is expected to be completed within two years, with the bottleneck resolved upon the completion of the second section.

This phase will significantly enhance cargo flows from South Africa to the Port of Maputo, raising operational capacity to 40 million tonnes per annum.

The expanded terminal at Maputo Central Station tastefully integrates modern facilities with the historic architecture, providing an international standard for passenger terminals.