Aviation Partnership Between Mozambique and Angola Sets New Flight Paths

Aviation Partnership Between Mozambique and Angola Sets New Flight Paths

Mozambican and Angolan aviation authorities forged a partnership last week aimed at expanding flight destinations to meet growing demand and foster economic development between the two nations.

João de Abreu, President of the Mozambique Civil Aviation Institute (IACM), revealed that the memorandum empowers Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM) and Linhas Aéreas de Angola (TAAG) to extend their flight networks beyond Luanda and explore additional provincial capitals.

Abreu emphasized reciprocal freedom, stating that TAAG can now consider destinations like Beira or Pemba in Mozambique, while LAM gains access to major airports such as Agostinho Neto in Angola without constraints.

Amélia Kuvíngua, Chairperson of the Angolan National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC), highlighted the memorandum’s significance in formalizing flight-sharing arrangements between passengers of the two airlines, enhancing connectivity within Africa and beyond.

Kuvíngua stressed that the cooperation aligns with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) policies, aiming to ensure equitable development across nations.

She emphasized the agreement’s provisions for technical cooperation, knowledge exchange, and best practices in civil aviation system development, modernization, operation, and maintenance.

The partnership builds upon Mozambique’s proactive role, particularly its collaboration during the 2022 ICAO audit, showcasing the commitment to advancing aviation standards and cooperation in the region.