Zambian Govt Keeps Mfuwe International Airport Open Amid Rehabilitation Plans

Zambian Govt Keeps Mfuwe International Airport Open Amid Rehabilitation Plans

The Zambian Government has reversed its decision to close Mfuwe International Airport for rehabilitation, opting to keep the airport operational to avoid disruptions to the tourism industry.

Initially, the airport was scheduled to close on June 13, 2024, to allow for comprehensive infrastructure upgrades. However, significant concerns from key stakeholders in the tourism sector prompted the government to reconsider.

Minister of Transport and Logistics, Hon. Frank Museba Tayali, highlighted the need to prevent any negative impact on tourism operations.

“While the rehabilitation works at the airport are well-intentioned, the temporary closure would cause serious disruptions to the operations of the tourism industry,” Minister Tayali stated.

To address these concerns, Minister Tayali has directed that the necessary rehabilitation works be carried out without interrupting airport operations.

The planned upgrades include improvements to the inner perimeter fence, a complete upgrade of the runway, and enhancements to the apron.

Zambia Airports Corporation Limited (ZACL) had previously communicated the planned closure to facilitate these upgrades.

However, the decision has been adjusted to ensure that the tourism industry, a crucial part of Zambia’s economy, continues to function smoothly.