Zambia and Botswana Establish Kazungula Bridge Authority to Promote Regional Integration

Zambia and Botswana Establish Kazungula Bridge Authority to Promote Regional Integration

The recent establishment of the Kazungula Bridge Authority (KBA) through a bilateral agreement between Zambia and Botswana marks a significant milestone in promoting regional commerce and integration in Southern Africa.

This agreement, finalized during the latest Kazungula Bridge project Joint Ministerial Committee meeting in Gaborone, Botswana, outlines the composition and functions of the KBA, tasked with overseeing the vital Kazungula Bridge and its associated One-Stop Border Posts (OSBPs).

The KBA, headquartered in Botswana, acknowledges Botswana’s geographic advantage due to its proximity to the bridge.

However, to ensure equitable representation and foster cooperation, the agreement stipulates that the Executive Director of the KBA must always be a Zambian citizen.

This collaborative effort underscores the shared vision of Zambia and Botswana for the Kazungula Bridge project, aiming beyond mere construction to foster unity between the two nations.

Since its formal operation began in May 2021, the 923-meter bridge has played a pivotal role in the North-South Corridor, facilitating trade and transportation and advancing the broader goals of regional integration within the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

The KBA’s responsibilities are diverse, ranging from overseeing the efficient operation and maintenance of the bridge and OSBPs to ensuring seamless cross-border movement of people and goods.

Additionally, the KBA will play a crucial role in attracting investment, promoting trade, and implementing projects to enhance local development along the bridge’s corridor.

The establishment of the Kazungula Bridge Authority signifies a significant step forward in the cooperative efforts between Botswana and Zambia.

With the potential to expedite bridge operations, stimulate trade, and promote regional integration, the KBA holds promise for delivering substantial economic and social benefits to both countries and the wider Southern African region.