UAE Launches Blue Pass Platform to Elevate Maritime Industry

UAE Launches Blue Pass Platform to Elevate Maritime Industry

The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, in collaboration with NeoNautica, a prominent technology firm in the maritime sector, has unveiled the UAE Blue Pass platform.

This strategic alliance aims to drive innovation and advancement in the UAE’s maritime industry.

The UAE Blue Pass platform is poised to revolutionize the maritime sector by offering various benefits to maritime enterprises and vessels, fostering industry innovation and efficiency.

The partnership was formalized during a ceremony attended by key representatives from both organizations, including H.E. Hessa Al Malek from the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and Capt. Rami Al Breiki from NeoNautica.

H.E. Al Malek emphasized the platform’s ambition to position the UAE as a leader in the knowledge and data-driven economic landscape of the future.

She highlighted that the platform will incorporate advanced features and provide comprehensive industry insights, offering seamless solutions for maritime professionals in the UAE.

This initiative is expected to extend beyond maritime services, reinforcing the UAE’s position as a premier logistical partner for international trade.