TAAG aims to reach up to 40 aircraft next year

TAAG aims to reach up to 40 aircraft next year

TAAG, Linhas Aéreas de Angola, which currently has 21 aircraft, intends to double its fleet and reach 40 aircraft by next year, as part of the reinforcement of its fleet.

According to the president of the TAAG Executive Committee, Nelson Oliveira, who spoke last Thursday, in Luanda, on the sidelines of a meeting of tourism sector operators, the national flag company also works to increase routes in Africa and Asia.

“We are already sending letters asking for authorization so that we can start flying to African countries such as Ghana, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde, Cotê d’voire, Guinea-Bissau and then some countries in Asia to make the fleet profitable” , he stated in statements to TPA.