Fly Angola CEO Advocates for Streamlined Airport Development Strategies

Fly Angola CEO Advocates for Streamlined Airport Development Strategies

The airport sector must adopt new strategies and expedite development processes to fully utilize the available infrastructure, stated Belarnício Muangala, President of the Executive Committee (PCE) of Fly Angola, on Monday in Luanda.

In an interview with Jornal de Angola, Muangala identified persistent slowness and bureaucracy in the aviation sector as significant barriers, specifically hindering the planned air connection between Lubango and Windhoek.

This new route is envisioned to facilitate commercial expansion and boost the economic growth of both Angola and Namibia.

“The lack of a clear and effective strategy is obstructing this connection,” Muangala asserted.

Despite strong interest from both Fly Angola and the Namibian government, the certification process for Lubango Airport in Huíla has been protracted, and Fly Angola is still awaiting confirmation of an “exception regime” to commence services. Muangala emphasized the importance of obtaining all necessary authorizations to proceed.

Currently, Fly Angola operates two regular routes: Luanda/Cabinda and Luanda/São Tomé and Príncipe. Due to high demand on the subsidized Luanda/Cabinda route, the frequency of flights has increased from 10 per week to three per day.

Muangala suggested that expanding subsidies to other routes beyond Luanda could connect Cabinda with other provincial capitals, promoting mobility, tourism, and economic development across the country. This measure would benefit the population and attract new investments.

Regarding the São Tomé route, Muangala noted that it had minimal traffic for years, with only a weekly flight, causing many Angolans to overlook this destination, which is less than two hours away by air.