Turkey-Flagged Tanker Boarded and Robbed Off Cape Verde: Heightened Piracy Concerns in West Africa

Turkey-Flagged Tanker Boarded and Robbed Off Cape Verde: Heightened Piracy Concerns in West Africa

In a significant escalation of piracy incidents off the coast of West Africa, a Turkey-flagged product tanker was boarded and robbed southwest of Nova Sintra, Cape Verde, early on Friday morning.

According to British maritime security consultants Ambrey, the tanker was boarded by 10 armed suspects wielding AK-47s.

The assailants reportedly damaged communication equipment, seized control of the bridge, and confined all crewmembers.

A report from the International Chamber of Commerce revealed that the pirates ordered the engines to be shut down and directed the vessel to drift, intending to plunder its cargo and bunkers.

The crewmembers were bound and restrained, while the pirates proceeded to loot crew and ship belongings.

Subsequently, the crew was herded into the steering gear room and warned of explosive devices supposedly rigged on all exits, allowing them to leave only after a two-hour wait.

Ambrey further reported that the suspects absconded after looting the tanker’s cash and other valuables.

Fortunately, the crew managed to free themselves after two hours, repaired damaged equipment, and found no evidence of explosives. No injuries were reported, and the tanker resumed its journey unharmed.