AGL Signs Contract to Manage Walvis Bay Terminal

AGL Signs Contract to Manage Walvis Bay Terminal

On March 20, 2024, Africa Global Logistics (AGL) inked a deal to oversee operations at the Walvis Bay Multipurpose Bulk Terminal in Namibia, a pivotal moment witnessed by Tony Stenning, Regional Director for South Africa, and Andrew Kanime, CEO of Namport, the National Port Authority of Namibia.

This appointment follows Namport’s international call for tenders initiated in January 2023, underscoring local authorities’ trust in AGL’s industrial vision and commitment to Africa’s economic evolution.

Nestled on the southwest coast of Africa, the Port of Walvis Bay stands as a natural trade conduit, offering seamless connectivity that links Southern Africa with Europe, Asia, and America, thanks to its strategic geographical location.

Designated as the terminal’s operational partner, AGL pledges to advance the development of the Namibian Corridor.

Leveraging cutting-edge maritime, port, and logistics solutions, AGL aims to facilitate entry into Southern African Development Community (SADC) markets and invest in modern infrastructure to propel regional economic advancement.

Through its initiatives and investments, the company seeks to empower local enterprises and communities, fostering employment, innovation, and sustainable progress.

AGL’s mission extends to bolstering Namibia’s energy, mining, and industrial endeavors by delivering integrated services adhering to the highest global standards.

This collaboration not only enhances Namibia’s global trading stature but also catalyzes regional economic vitality.

“We are honored by the trust that the Namibian authorities have placed in us. Our vision is to elevate the Port of Walvis Bay into a beacon of international connectivity, sustainable development, and economic prosperity.

Together, we will construct a strategic nexus for global trade, enriching Namibia and Africa as a whole,” expressed Olivier de Noray, Director of Ports and Terminals at AGL, reflecting on the partnership’s transformative potential.