Port of LA handles 13% less containers in 2023

Port of LA handles 13% less containers in 2023

Despite seeing a 13% drop in throughput overall for 2023 the US West Coast gateway port saw volume growth pick-up again in the final five months of the year.

In December the Port of LA handled 747,355 teu, up 2.5% year-on-year, and the fifth consecutive month of year-on-year growth.

The Port of LA remained the largest container in the US for the 24th year running.

“In 2024, our sights are set on community investment, sustainability progress and capturing additional market share,” said Port of LA Executive Director Gene Seroka.

“To drive cargo, we’re investing in a 10-year, $2 billion capital improvement program. We’ll also focus on secure technology enhancements to improve efficiency and reduce our carbon footprint.